An Instructor from the College of Arts Gives a Lecture on the Logos Hope Ship

A lecturer in the Department of History at the College of Arts at the University of Basra, Prof. Dr. Adel Hashem, given a lecture on the Logos Hope ship, which was entitled (The Travel Literature of the Ancient Iraqis).

The lecture focused on reviewing the oldest cuneiform texts that indicated the existence of geographical trips by the ancient Iraqis and these trips were of two types, including legendary trips that were mentioned in myths and were made by gods such as the journey of the god Enki in all parts of the earth and in myths are called the myth of Enki and the organization of the universe also there is another trip made by God Sin the god of the moon to the city of Nippur and through these trips the cities and the distances between the Sumerian provinces and cities were registered.

As for human trips, they were mostly based on the campaigns of the military kings, and from these trips, the journey of King Sarjuna Al-Akkadi to the region of Asia Minor and a trip dating back to the ancient Babylonian era and is called the Aimar trip. Through these trips we also knew the types of measurements and the measurement of lengths, distances and time. We have the biru clock, which is a double Babylonian clock, and we also have the measurement with the stick and the measurement of ancient Sumerian and Babylonian units that we can better look at in cuneiform dictionaries.