The Department of History in the College of Arts Organizes a Scientific Lecture on the Scourge of Drugs

The Department of History, in cooperation with the educational guidance in the College of Arts, University of Basra, organized a scientific lecture on the scourge of drugs.

The lecture dealt with the concept of drugs, their types, and ways to prevent them, due to their severe effects and damages on the individual and the family in particular, and on society in general, and on all aspects of health, social, economic, and security.

Drugs were defined as every plant or manufactured substance that contains sedative elements (which relax or calm the nerves), and if used inappropriately, it causes serious symptoms and affects the nervous system and all organs of the body and causes addiction, and in the event of stopping its use, serious psychological and physical symptoms appear which are called (withdrawal symptoms) and may lead to death.

The drug problem is one of the biggest problems, and the university strives to combat it by spreading awareness of it among the members of society and alerting them to its dangers.