Discussion of Student Ibtihal Fouad Kazem

On Sunday morning,  30/4/2023, a master thesis entitled (The responses of Abi Al-Qasim Saeed bin Saeed Al-Farqi, 391 AH, to the grammarians in his tagged book: (Interpretation of the problematic issues in the beginning of Al-Muqtadab), an argumentative tudy)) was discussed in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah.

The thesis presented by student Ibtihal Fouad Kazem included three chapters. The first chapter discussed Al-Farqi's responses in the light of Perlman and Titka's theory, the second chapter discussed Al-Farqi's responses in the light of Anscomber and Decro argumentative theory, and the third chapter dealt with Al-Farqi's responses in light of the argumentative accountability theory of Michel Mayer.

The thesis aims to clarify the most prominent argumentative characteristics of Al-Fariqi in persuading the recipient, such as the role of quasi-logical arguments of all kinds in persuasion, and the reliance on the ascending argumentative ladder, and then the role of the question in the argumentative process and its distinct impact on persuasion.

The thesis concluded:

Speech is nothing more than argumentative and by different means, that is, we speak with the intention of persuasion and influence, and its importance is highlighted by arguments and their effective role in influencing the recipient, and then the role of links and factors in directing persuasive speech, in addition to what the question generates in terms of asking other questions that are problematic and then the questioning argumentative process is generated.