Discussion of the Student Maysa Abdullah Gholim

A master thesis entitled (the contextual significance of continuous verbs in the Holy Quran, a study in text analysis) was discussed in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah.


The thesis presented by the student Maysa Abdullah Ghulaim included three chapters.The first chapter discussed the contextual significance of the past continuous verb in the Holy Quran, the second chapter included the contextual significance of the present continuous verb in the Holy Quran, and the third chapter discussed the contextual significance of the continuous imperative verb in the Holy Quran.

The thesis aims to reveal the abandonment of the three morphological forms of the time set by the ancient grammarians, and to highlight the role of the context along with the evidence in determining the time that is consistent with the structure contained in it.

The thesis concluded:

That the continuity comes from the tools involved in the verbs, which gave them a time other than the time for which they were set, and did not overlook the clarification of the great role of the denominative clues in giving the character of continuity to the verbs, and stripping those formulas of their significance for a specific time.