The University of Basrah Organizes a Panel Discussion Entitled ((Scientific Advice and its Role in Supporting Scientific Supervision of Postgraduate Student Projects))

The Department of Information and Knowledge Technologies at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah organized a panel discussion entitled ((Scientific Advice and its Role in Supporting Scientific Supervision of Postgraduate Students Projects)).


The panel discussion in which Prof. Dr. Ali Abdel Samad Al-Farhad lectured aimed at defining scientific priorities related to scientific advice and its pioneering role in supporting the process of supervising the intellectual production of postgraduate students and for all study programs represented by higher diplomas, masters and doctoral degrees, which centered on the following elements:


- Student 


-Scientific article

- Scientific Committee

-Experience and advice

Dr. Ali indicated that these elements are related to form a single link that leads to the success of scientific research. Therefore, all efforts must be combined in a scientific and professional manner through moral and scientific support for students, scientific advice and guidance by specialists in the subject and knowledge field to postgraduate students in order to reach goals that achieve the purpose of the required study and in agreement with the supervising professor in line with the educational, professional and ethical process in the field of counseling as well as the scientific honesty that must be present during the consultation.