Discussion of the Students Uday Sami Fares





A PhD thesis entitled (Iranian women during the Safavid era 1501-1722) was discussed in the Department of History at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah.

The thesis presented by researcher Uday Sami Fares included an introduction and four chapters. The first chapter discussed the social role of Iranian women during the Safavid era ,the second chapter dealt with the organizational structure of the royal sanctuary institution in the Safavid era ,the third chapter discussed the political role of Iranian women during the Safavid era , and the fourth chapter included the economic and cultural role of Iranian women during the Safavid era.

The study aimed to shed light on the most prominent social, political, economic and cultural contributions of Iranian women during the Safavid era.

The study concluded that Iranian women during the Safavid era participated in many social activities, both formal and informal ceremonies, as well as studying their clothes, which were different from the clothes of women in the countries surrounding Iran, as well as the clothes of religious minorities in Iran, as well as the customs and traditions of Iranians in marriage and divorce, also most important conditions experienced by the women of the royal sanctuary within the Safavid court, and the participation of women in raising princes and preparing them for rule,In addition to the political role of Iranian women during the Safavid era, which was distinguished through their contribution as advisors to the Safavid Shahs, and in some historical periods, women assumed leadership of the state as a result of the weakness of the Safavid Shahs. The study concluded that Iranian women had a great economic and cultural role through the emergence of several Iranian women in the two fields.