Important announcement To our teaching and professional staff and our dear students

.In order to remove irrigation bottlenecks and facilitate the entry and exit of vehicles at the Karma Ali site at the University of Basra, as of Monday, 9/18/2023, the following was decided:

1. Entry is only allowed for vehicles from the university gate near Beni Sakeen and it is available at all times.


2. The main gate, Karma Ali Gate, will be available for entry and exit of vehicles at all times.


3. The academy gate is only available for entry from seven in the morning until nine in the morning, while the rest of the times it is an entry and exit gate at the same time.


4. The express lane gate will be available for entry and exit of vehicles at all times.

We ask everyone to adhere to the specified paths in the service of the public interest

Greetings from the Media and Government Communications Department