An Instructor from the College of Arts Publishes an Article Entitled (International Translation Day)

An instructor in the Translation Department at the College of Arts at the University of Basra, Professor Dr. Abdul Salam Al-Ukaili, published an article in Al-Adwaa newspaper entitled (International Translation Day)

The article included:

Believing in the United Nations’ belief in the great services provided by translators in bringing and mediating between different nations and facilitating dialogue, understanding and human cooperation in a way that adds to development and enhances global peace and security, the General Assembly adopted on 3/24/2017 Resolution 288/71 regarding professionals working in languages ​​and their role, declaring the 30/ The 9th of every year, which is the feast of Saint Jerome, the translator of the Bible who is considered the patron saint of translators, is an international holiday of translation.

This event is sponsored by the International Union of Translators, which was established in 1953.

The Union contributed to celebrating translation and translators and launched in 1991 the idea of ​​allocating an officially recognized international day to show the solidarity of the translation community around the world in an attempt to strengthen the translation profession in different countries and for this day to be an occasion to show pride in a profession that has become increasingly necessary in the era of globalization.