The University of Basrah organizes a panel discussion on consecutive translation, important skills and techniques for students of the Translation Department

The Translation Department at the College of Arts at the University of Basra organized a panel discussion on consecutive translation, important skills and techniques for students of the Translation Department.


The panel, delivered by student Ghadeer Talal Ghali, discussed practical tips to enhance the student’s abilities in the field of consecutive translation, as consecutive translation forms an integral part of every translator skills, whether in self-dialogue or in public presentations.


The panel discussion highlighted the following topics:


1. Tips on enhancing memory, as it is a fundamental pillar of consecutive translation.


2. Ways to write symbols that represent several words and arrange them in time.


3. Techniques for linking ideas and organizing speech in a correct grammatical manner under time pressure.


4. Identify areas that are important for the consecutive translator, including performance, delivery, posture, speaking, and self-introduction, as well as tips on grooming and necessary supplies.