The College of Arts Begins Performing Exams for Postgraduate Students

The College of Arts at the University of Basrah has begun performing exams for postgraduate students according to the times specified in the university calendar for master and PhD students.

The Head of the postgraduate Studies Department at the University of Basrah inspected the progress of the first semester exams for postgraduate students in our college departments... and expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Deanship of the College for providing all the requirements for the success of the exams and their compliance with the instructions and directives of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.


The Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Haider Abdul-Ridha Al-Tamimi said that he perform daily visits the exam halls, supervise the progress of the exams and create an appropriate environment for postgraduate students and see the exam questions and their compatibility with the scientific material that is given to students.