The Dean of the College of Arts and the Scientific Assistant Visit the Examination Halls for Postgraduate Students

The Dean of the College of Arts and the Scientific Assistant Visit the Examination Halls for Postgraduate Students

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the Dean of the College of Arts, Professor Dr. Majid Abdul Hameed Al-Kaabi, and the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Haider Abdulridha, visited the examination halls for postgraduate students at the College of Arts. During the inspection visit, they reviewed the procedures and conduct of the first day of exams for postgraduate students.

During the visit, they listened to a group of students regarding their needs and the types of exam questions. For  their part, the students praised the role of the college dean and the teaching staff in providing all the necessary conditions for the examination process.

Al-Kaabi appreciated the great efforts made by the scientific departments, examination committees, and college instructors to ensure the success of the exams, wishing all students success and good luck.