On Thursday morning, 12/17/2020 a master's thesis entitled "The Kurdish Political Movement in Iran During the Period 1946-1979: A Historical Study" in the History Department, College of Arts, University of Basrah.
The thesis presented by the student Aqil Jabbar Kata'a included three chapters. The first chapter dealt with the Kurdish political movement in Iran during the period 1946-1960. The second chapter referred to the political and military tension of the Iranian Kurdish movement in Iraq and Iran during the period 1961-1969. The third chapter Shed the light on the political and military conditions of Iranian Kurdish movement during the period 1970 – 1979.
The thesis discussed the political and military developments of the Kurdish movement with the governments that ruled Iran during the Pahlavi era, as well as with the Islamic Republic, and how that movement developed over a century. The thesis also discussed the political, social and cultural conditions of the Kurds during that period.
The thesis aimed to study the Kurdish political situation in Iran during the period 1946-1979, the developments and tragic events that accompanied it, to limit that movement, and control the Kurdistan region of Iran.
The researcher concluded that the Kurdish political movement in Iran suffered throughout that period allocated for study and before it from injustice, marginalization, and deprivation.