A Symposium Titled "Drugs and its Effects on Society"

The unit of Education at the College of Arts in collaboration with Basra Governorate Police Directorate and Facilities / Centre of Advanced Training in the South organized a symposium titled " Drugs and its Effects on Society". This session was run by Dr. Raghad Faisal Abdul Wahab and presented by the jurist brigadier General Ali Jihad Hussein, holding BA in military sciences.

The symposium included the phenomenon of drug abuse, which has become a sickening social phenomenon caused by many factors. Some of these factors are individualistic and the other are related to the family or the society. The formal statistics issued by the specialized bodies showed that the drug abuser is a real threat to society and is an obstacle in the way of development in all fields.

The symposium aimed at strengthening the ties with the various social institutions, bodies and organizations plus bridging the gaps with the various governmental institutions via training and developing the working cadre as well as attempting to educate the society. Today's topic is one of many issues which were tried by the Continuous education unit at the college of Arts. 

The lecturers of this symposium focused on the necessity of holding such gatherings to include the drugs phenomenon and limiting its dangers. In fact, there are many intense attempts to spread the social awareness to face this danger and this problem.