College of Arts Organizes a Seminar Titled "Abstracts, Summaries and Synopses between the Linguistic and the Idiomatic Concepts"

The Department of Information and Libraries organized a seminar titled " "Abstracts, Summaries and Synopses between the Linguistic and the Idiomatic Concepts". The session, presented by Dr. Amaal Abdul – Rahman, included a precise attempt to differentiate between the concepts of an abstract, a summary and a synopsis. An abstract means summarizing the content of a given document; a summary is recapitulation of the most significant results arrived at by the researcher; whereas a synopsis shows the summary of the document via repeating the important results and the conclusions and its scientific contents.


This session aimed at explicating the concepts of an abstract, a summary and a synopsis plus differentiating them practically and showing the special norms of designing an abstract, a summary and a synopsis together with their contents.

The researcher recommended for the necessity of the standardization of research and thesis nomenclature by using the nomenclature "Abstract". In addition, the media abstract is the most common when designing abstracts to give an idea about the theme of the document. Furthermore, it is necessary to design the abstract according to the standards of scientific papers.