Basra University Chancellor Receives the Indian Ambassador

Dr. Sa'ad Shaheen, Basra University Chancellor, with Dr. Majid Al-Ka'bi, College of Arts Dean, and Secretary General of the Central Library received the Indian ambassador in the Central library.

The two parties examined the ways of scientific cooperation and the mutual cultural and epistemological exchange. The opening of the International Indian Corner was regarded as one of the initiatives of cooperation. That is, Basra University has opened the International Indian Corner that consists of the Indian history and  culture with its scientific and cultural activities. In addition, a futuristic scheme was planned for to make this cooperation successful via exchanging the academic scholarships.

The two sides also hinted at the necessity for sending some Indian linguistic experts to include the Indian language with the Living languages. By so doing, it will become a scientific hub that Basra University is looking for in its futuristic plans. It has been agreed upon the suggestion of converting the Indian Corner into a Cultural  Indian Centre in future.

This visit aimed at consolidating the mutual cooperation between Basra university and India via exchanging scientific, cultural and epistemological experiences to scaffold the mutual educational context.