College of Arts Holds a Session Titled "Encyclopedias as a Source of Studying the Modern Iraqi History"

Wednesday 3/ 2/ 2021, the Department of History at the College of Arts holds a seminar titled " Encyclopedias as a Source of Studying the Modern Iraqi History: Hameed Al-Matba'i".

Dr. Najat Abdul Kareem, the presenter, examined the importance of encyclopedias as reliable sources of information and  documentation. Encyclopedias differ due to different sciences dealing with them such as philosophy and Arts. An encyclopedia is considered as epistemological sources such as documents, diaries, papers and  theses which differ according to the methodology of each science.

This seminar aimed at searching in the encyclopedias compiled by Hameed Al-MaTba'i (1938 – 2021) and his methodology in writing encyclopedias in the eighties of the twentieth century. He is concerned in the biographies of men and women. They are three encyclopedias differed according to nomenclature and methodology.