Alyaa Yousif Ya'qoob Defense Session

At the department of History of the College of Arts/ University of Basrah, an MA thesis entitled "Book of Works Summary and the Wonders of the sea – conqueror King, the brave Abdul Rasheed bin Salih bin Nouri Al-Bakwi (died in 8 H.): a Study and an Investigation.

The study examined Al-Bakwi's life and his method of investigation and it also examined the concept of 'investigation' and how it works.

The study aimed at shedding the light on the riches of the natural countries, the social people conditions and it talks about their civil and scientific works. There was wide space for the historical events related to cities mentioned in the manuscript.

This study concluded that the manuscript of "Works Summary and the Wonders of the Conqueror King" involves the literature of countries which are divided according to the lines of length and width for each territory.