The College of Arts at the University of Basra Monitors the Progress of the Exams

The Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Haider Abdul-Ridha Al-Tamimi, monitored the progress of the attendance examinations in the College of Arts after applying health and preventive issues based on the decisions of the Supreme Committee for National Health and Safety.

Al-Tamimi said, coinciding with the attendance examinations in our college to complete the requirements of the first semester of the current year, all energies were mobilized to achieve success at this period and to overcome the risks that accompany it by providing the necessary supplies to ensure the safety of our students, teaching and administrative staff. Students were received in batches to ensure social distancing in a manner go in line with the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the Crisis Cell. The examinations were held for students of the third stage and for seven scientific departments in our college in a complete flow.