Thesis Discussion of student Ahmed Mohammed Hashem (M.A)

On Tuesday morning, 20/10/2020, at the Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts, An M.A. thesis entitled Literary Criticism Discourse at the Age of Arab Renaissance (1798-1914 A.D)  was discussed.


The thesis, which is submitted by student Ahmed Mohammed Hashim, included three chapters. The first chapter discusses the age of Arab Renaissance. The second one  investigates issues of criticism at the same age. The last chapter explains the argumentative dimension in critical discourse at the age of Arab Renaissance.


The thesis aims at studying criticism at the age of Arab Renaissance in its forms, styles, and directions. This is carried out through a historical perspective which lies between two events: the first one is the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt (1798 A.D) and the second event is the beginning of WWI, a period which is supposed to be representing the Age of Arab Renaissance.


The thesis concluded that the critical beginnings in the Renaissance had taken place at the end of the first half of the century and then the second half. It has occurred in two directions: traditional and modern. Both directions have been concerned with major issues of Arab literature, namely, the concept of literature, the concept of poetry and language, and the terms of the writer and writing.