A Discussion of the Student Adnan Abdul Amir

A master's thesis entitled "The Housing Function in the City of Qurna" was discussed on Thursday morning, 10/6/2021, in the Department of Geography and Information Systems, College of Arts.

The thesis presented by the student Adnan Abdul-Amir included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the historical dimension of the region and the demographic stages that the city passed through from its beginning to the present during the period (1869-2019 AD). The second chapter involved the natural characteristics of the city of Qurna (Location, surface and climate), and studied and analyzed the human characteristics of the population (population growth and geographical distribution of the population). The third chapter argued the spatial distribution of housing units, the analysis of the characteristics of the housing structure, and the study of housing patterns in the city of Qurna. The fourth chapter explained the problems of the housing function in the city, such as the problems related to the planning and environmental aspects and the ways to address this type of problems that included limiting immigration to the city and housing politics.

The study aims to study the development of the housing function of the city of Qurna during the demographic stages that the city went through during the period (1869 - 2019 AD) and the resulting housing problems and the solutions needed to be formulated to meet the increased demand for housing units.

The thesis concluded that the contribution of the distinguished geographical location of the city to the development of the housing function and that the hand of the demographic factor is one of the most important factors that have affected the housing function since its beginning in (1869) until the present time.

The thesis discussed the impact of natural and human factors on the housing function in terms of urban expansion and growth, and their impact on the design of housing units in terms of performance, shape and formulation of the housing environment, which was reflected in the emergence of different designs of housing units on the various  demographic stages of the city.