Thakaa Abdul Ghani Ghalib Al-ASadi

On Sunday 27/6/2021 in the department of Arabic in the College of Arts, an MA thesis entitled "Bragging (feats) in the Arabic Society from the Era of the Message to the Abbasid Era 13 B.H. - 247 H. / 610 - 861: A Historical Study" by Thakaa Abdul Ghani Ghalib Al-ASadi.

The thesis included five chapters. The first chapter was about bragging: a concept and origin. The second concerns the political feats. In the third chapter, the religious feats were examined. The fourth chapter dealt with the social feats. In the fifth, the literary and scientific feats were examined.

The thesis aimed at explaining what these feats uncover for the reader from the historical facts, which affected the stream of events throughout time between revealed facts or implicit in the historical lines. It reveals pursuing the historical path of the phenomenon of feats characterized by changes, which shuns it away from stagnation and enables it in matching events and transformations plus reflecting the social and political trait of each era.

The thesis concluded that the qualitative paths adopted in the feats, starting from the political feats following its actions, characters and narrations in the era of the Message in the Meccan  and Medani covenants. The research examined the second type of feats created by the temporal framework of the study exemplified by the religious feats starting from the era of the message to the end of the first Abbasid era. The third type of feats is the social in different periods. This study examined other types of feats such as the literary and scientific ones.