Aesthetic Value and the Ways to Establish them in Society

The College of Arts at University of Basrah organized a symposium on Aesthetic Value and the Ways to Establish them in Society.

The symposium aimed to highlight the effectiveness of one of the branches of philosophy, which is aesthetics, and the ways to establish it in any society.


The instructors lectured at the symposium are:

 1- Asst.Prof.Dr. Sana Sabah Ali (Department of Philosophy)

 2- Lecturer Rasal Hussein (Department of Philosophy)

 3- Asst.Dr. Osama Abdul-Latif (Ain Shams University)

 4- Dr. Saad Yassin Youssef (Ministry of Culture)


The symposium included connecting aesthetic value and feeling them to society, which is considered a reflection of this value, through all the variables that can shape and develop them.

The symposium recommended emphasizing the importance of aesthetic behavior in life and developing opportunities for advancing it socially.