A Professor at the College of Arts Participates in a Scientific Lecture Entitled “Fifty Questions on Translation"

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mazen Al-Hassani, President of Wasit University, and at the kind invitation of the Center for Continuing Education in it and the Translation Department of the College of Arts, and in cooperation with SCHWLAR Worldwide, Prof. Dr. Kazem Khalaf Al-Ali, an instructor at the Translation Department, College of Arts, Basra University, gave a virtual lecture entitled ((Fifty Questions on Translation) ) on Monday, 12/07/2021 at 9:00 pm.

The lecture included answering a wide range of questions frequently asked by students, such as how to build and develop translation capabilities, ways to choose translation methods (word for word and sense for sense), and translation strategies (localization and foreignization). The students also asked on how to start a practical professional life, the use of appropriate dictionaries, affiliation with the Iraqi Translators Association and the Federal Courts of Appeal to work as experts in translation and about specializing in interpretation, legal and medical. Furthermore, they asked about the importance of lessons on translation theories and translation criticism and a set of other questions.

 The lecture ended with the opening of discussion and questions to the honorable attendees and the distribution of certificates of appreciation to them