University of Basrah achieves competitive positions in the Times World Ranking

In confirmation of the international academic reputation and commitment to the requirements of quality and academic accreditation at the level of institutional and program performance, and in implementation of the policy and methodology of the independence of university institutions, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces that the Iraqi universities have been able and succeeded in enhancing their position in the international classifications, as the universities of technology, Baghdad, Basrah and Al-Mustansiriya achieved advanced competitive positions within the results of the Times global classification edition of 2022, which ranked more than 1,600 universities from 99 countries.

In the context of this achievement, the University of Technology has advanced more than 200 ranks within the +801 category in the world after it was classified in the last year's version within the +1000 category, while the universities of Baghdad, Basrah and Al-Mustansiriya came within the +1201 category.

According to the results of the 2022 edition, which indicated the entry of Al-Mustansiriya University for the first time in the Times classification, the data of more than two thousand and one hundred international universities were analyzed and more than one thousand and six hundred universities from ninety-nine countries were classified.

It is worth noting that the British Times World Classification adopts five main scientific criteria for evaluating and grading universities, which are scientific research at 30%, education at 30%, citations at 30%, international outlook 7.5%, and knowledge transfer (return from industry) 2.5%.

It is worth mentioning that Iraqi public and private universities and colleges have their presence and their escalating competition in international rankings, especially the (The Times) classification, in which there are currently four Iraqi universities, the (QS) classification, in which there are five universities, the (Scimago) classification, in which there are twenty-two universities, the (Greenmetric) classification, in which sixty-one Iraqi universities entered, and the URAP classification, in which four Iraqi universities are present, in addition to the (Webometrics) classification, which recorded the attendance and competition of eighty-two Iraqi universities and colleges. While the indicator of scientific research in global publishing containers showed that Iraq ranked forty-fifth globally, sixth in the Middle East and third in the Arab world.


To see the results of the Times classification use the link below:!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats