Discussion of the Thesis of the Student Ahlam Aziz Majeed

On Sunday morning, 19/9/2021, in the Information and Libraries Department at the College of Arts, a higher diploma research entitled (the Reality of Basrah Federal Appeal Court Presidency Library / Judicial Palace: a case study) was discussed.

The research presented by the student Ahlam Aziz Majeed included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the general framework of the study and the second chapter discussed the specialized library and its role in providing information services. The third chapter dealt with two sections (the first is an analysis of interview questions directed to the library official and the human resources working in the library, and the second section includes the analysis of a questionnaire, which is addressed to the mental beneficiaries, questions) and the reseach was concluded in its fourth chapter with results and recommendations.

The research aims to study the Reality of Basrah Federal Appeal Court Presidency Library / Judicial Palace in terms of human resources and the size of library collections.

The research discussed the need to provide specialized human resources in the field of information and libraries, and to provide an independent budget for the library to meet the needs of the beneficiaries, achieve its goals, and raise the level of its services.

The research concluded that there are no human resources specialized in the field of information and libraries, and there is no special budget for the library that would enable it to meet its needs.